Resources for Mission Integration Facilitators

“Wouldn’t it be wonderful if as we lived a radical response to the Gospel, people asked us that question:  What in the name of all that’s good and holy are you doing?  And our response would be, ‘I am sowing the seeds of the Charism of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, seeds that I have planted deep in my heart.’ The issues and concerns of our day, immigration, human trafficking, poverty, violence, injustices of any kind cry out to us for reconciling love.”
Maureen Doherty, CSJ

Mission Effectiveness is the level of achievement of the desired outcomes of activities and initiatives in the sponsored ministry which further the local mission and the mission and charism of the Sisters of Saint Joseph.

The Mission Effectiveness Facilitator (MEF) is a person(s) in each ministry appointed by the Administrator to model and promote the values of the Sisters in the actions, programs and activities of the ministry with a view to creating the CSJ environment. The Director of Mission Effectiveness (DME) meets several times a year with the local ministry Mission Effectiveness Facilitators.

Please consult the Annual Calendar for details about upcoming meetings between the Mission Effectiveness Facilitators and the Director of Mission Effectiveness.

Prayer Resources

Christmas – A Time for Birthing
November – A Time to Plant
The Road To Jerusalem
We Are Called to Be Hope
Holy is this Time
And the Word Became Flesh

Social Justice & Catholic Social Teaching
United States Federation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph
Education for Justice
Raising Voices
Catholic Relief Services
Jesuit Refugee Services
Immigration- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

American Catholic History
American Catholic History Classroom
Knights of Columbus Museum

Catholic Education
NCEA- Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Education Resource Center
Association of Colleges of the Sisters of Saint Joseph

History Resources
March: Women’s History Month

Peace and Kindness
The Peace Education Project
The Humanity Project
Kids for Peace
Pinwheels for Peace
United Nations International Peace Day (September 21)
Peace One Day

Spirituality Resources
Liturgical Calendar
Saint of the Day
Prayer Services for Justice
Creighton University Daily Reflections
Catholic Resources – Felix Just, SJ
Pope Francis Encyclical “The Light of Faith”
Pope Francis Apostolic Exhortation “Joy of the Gospel”
Pope Francis Encyclical “On Care for Our Common Home”
Pope Francis Apostolic Exhortation “On Love in the Family”
The Vatican